Language: English
Publication Date:
Dimensions: 13.8-1.8-18.8 cm
Format: Paperback
Pages: 293
Condition: NEW
Revíew ''Paínts an alarmíng pícture of mođern arrogance ín face of nature'' (Sunđay Express)''Heíl ís goođ on nature of obsessíon...even better on hallucínatory effects of hypo rmía... truths he reveals are harsh'' (Geographícal)''If you coulđn't put đown Into Thín Aír, you must reađ Đark.summít to unđerstanđ what ít means to clímb Everest tođay anđ why anyone míght accept rísk.'' (Peter Athans,.seven-tíme Everest.summíter anđ North Face athlete)''Authorítatíve ... Through rock-solíđ reportíng anđ vítal prose, Heíl leađs us up ínto thís rarefíeđ worlđ,.step by hypoxíc.step.'' (Hampton.síđes, author of Ghost.solđíers anđ Bloođ anđ Thunđer Hampton.síđes, author of Ghost.solđíers anđ Bloođ anđ Thunđer)''I consíđer thís book not a.sequel to Krakauer's Into Thín Aír, but an equal'' (Bob.shacochís, author of Immaculate Invasíon) Book Đescríptíon HIGHEST MOUNTAIN, GREATEST PRIZE, ULTIMATE PRICE TO PAY
Link: allegro.pl/-i6565311999.html
AK Interactive AK 456 True Metal Dark Aluminium
AK Interactive AK 456 True Metal Dark Aluminium
Producent: AK Interactive
Numer katalogowy : AK Interactive AK 456
AK Interactive AK 456 True Metal Dark Aluminium
Nowa seria farb na bazie wosku, z uzyciem najwyższej jakości pigmentów !!!
Farba moze być nakładana za pomocą pędzla, szpatułki, lub bawełnianych patyczków.
Farbę mozna polerować aż do uzyskania żądanego efektu.
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Link: allegro.pl/-i6580930644.html
AK INTERACTIVE 456 - Dark Aluminium - True MetalAK INTERACTIVE 456 - Dark Aluminium - True Metal Series
Farba metaliczna z wysokiej jakości pigmentów, pozwalająca uzyskać niezwykle realistyczne efekty. Można nanosić pędzlem, wacikiem itp., a nawet palcem. Po wyschnięciu farby można ją polerować w celu zwiększenia efektu metalicznego połysku. Zalecane wcześniejsze nałożenie podkładu na malowaną powierzchnię.
Link: allegro.pl/-i6065653339.html
True Dark Meehan Gary 1 KsiążkaGary Meehan
True Dark
Książka - dokument piśmienniczy myśli ludzkiej, raczej obszerny, w postaci publikacji wielostronicowej o określonej liczbie stron, o charakterze trwałym. Słowo o bardzo wielu pokrewnych znaczeniach. Dzisiejsza postać książki wywodzi się od kodeksu, czyli kartek połączonych grzbietem, które wraz z rozwojem pergaminu zastąpiły poprzednią formę dokumentu piśmienniczego, czyli zwój.
Więcej informacji na:
Link: allegro.pl/-i6370057751.html
Dark Night: A True Batman Story - DC Comics
The #1 "New York Times" bestseller! This is a Batman story like no other the harrowing and eloquent autobiographical tale of writer Paul Dini s courageous struggle to overcome a desperate situation. The Caped Crusader has been the all-abiding icon of justice and authority for generations. But in this surprising original graphic novel, we see Batman in a new light as the savior who helps a discouraged man recover from a brutal attack that left him unable to face the world. In the 1990s, legendary writer Paul Dini had a flourishing career writing the hugely popular"Batman: The Animated Series"and"Tiny Toon Adventures." Walking home one evening, he was jumped and viciously beaten within an inch of his life. His recovery process was arduous, hampered by the imagined antics of the villains he was writing for television including the Joker, Harley Quinn and the Penguin. But despite how bleak his circumstances were, or perhaps because of it, Dini also alwaysimagined the Batman at his side, chivvying him along during his darkest moments. A gripping graphic memoir of one writer s traumatic experience and his deep connection with his creative material, DARK NIGHT: A TRUE BATMAN STORY is an original graphic novel that will resonate profoundly with fans. Art by the incredible and talented Eduardo Risso (100 BULLETS, TRANSMETROPOLITAN)."
Link: allegro.pl/-i6580793485.html
True Metal - Dark Aluminium [STREFA]
True Metal - Dark Aluminium
Centrum Hobbystyczne "Strefa" mieści się w Bielsku-Białej, przy ulicy Gazowniczej 21A (w pobliżu galerii handlowej "Sfera"). Prowadzimy sprzedaż towarzyskich gier hobbystycznych: planszowych, plenerowych, bitewnych , kolekcjonerskich gier karcianych, wraz z akcesoriami. Mamy także największy w regionie dział modelarski, z bogatą ofertą modeli plastikowych, kartonowych i modeli Piko.
Nasz sklep to także miejsce do gry - mamy ponad 200 metrów kwadratowych powierzchni!
Każdego dnia w godzinach pracy sklepu udostępniamy miejsce do rozgrywek - w tym profesjonalne stoły z elementami makiet do gier bitewnych. Organizujemy eventy: wieczory i noce z grami planszowymi, warsztaty modelarskie, konkursy i turnieje. Kupując nasze produkty w sklepie stacjonarnym zawsze możecie liczyć na fachową poradę i naukę zasad!
Nasz adres:
Centrum Hobbystyczne "Strefa"
ul. Gazownicza 21A
43-300 Bielsko-Biała
Telefony: 338182064 // 513493529
Email: sklep@strefa-gry.pl
Link: allegro.pl/-i6078313159.html
Second Disease - Flame The Dark True / Front 242
Second Disease
Flame The Dark True
Mroczny Industrial/EBM dla fanów Klinik, Noise Unit, Mentallo + The Fixer itp .
Unikatowe amerykańskie wydanie, rzadka płyta na naszym rynku.
60 minut muzyki. Opakowanie Jewel Case. Stan idealny.
Link: allegro.pl/-i6583648537.html
Harris Dead Until Dark Series True Blood HBO 2009
Charlaine Harris
,,Dead Until Dark''
Orion Publishing Group
London 2009
stron 326
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okładka minimalnie przetarta na rogach i kantach,
brzegi minimalnie przybrudzone
dotisz, dotisza, dotiszmusic, antykwariat-doti
Polecam lekturę
zapraszam do licytacji
odbiór osobisty Mapka
Link: allegro.pl/-i6559719075.html
Nick Heil Dark Summit The Extraordinary True Story
Nick Heil Dark Summit The Extraordinary True Story of Everest's Most Controversial Season
Typ Okładki: Książka w miękkiej oprawie
Wydawnictwo: Virgin Books
Autor: Nick Heil
Język książki: Angielski
Rozmiar: 12.9 x 1.9 x 19.8 cm
Ilość stron: 304
Data premiery: 2009-04-02
"Heil is good on the nature of obsession...even better on the hallucinatory effects of hypothermia...the truths he reveals are harsh" (Geographica)
"If you couldn't put down Into Thin Air, you must read Dark Summit to understand what it means to climb Everest today and why anyone might accept the risk." (Peter Athans, seven-time Everest summiter and The North Face athlete)
"Authoritative ... Through rock-solid reporting and vital prose, Heil leads us up into this rarefied world, step by hypoxic step." (Hampton Sides, author of Ghost Soldiers and Blood and Thunder Hampton Sides, author of Ghost Soldiers and Blood and Thunder)
Link: allegro.pl/-i6564766134.html
The Mummy's Curse: The true history of a dark fantasy
In the winter of 1922-23 archaeologist Howard Carter and his wealthy patron George Herbert, the Fifth Earl of Carnarvon, sensationally opened the tomb of Tutenkhamen. Six weeks later Herbert, the sponsor of the expedition, died in Egypt. The popular press went wild with rumours of a curse on those who disturbed the Pharaoh's rest and for years followed every twist and turn of the fate of the men who had been involved in the historic discovery. Long dismissed by Egyptologists, the mummy's curse remains a part of popular supernatural belief. Roger Luckhurst explores why the myth has captured the British imagination across the centuries, and how it has impacted on popular culture. Tutankhamen was not the first curse story to emerge in British popular culture. This book uncovers the 'true' stories of two extraordinary Victorian gentlemen widely believed at the time to have been cursed by the artefacts they brought home from Egypt in the nineteenth century. These are weird and wonderful stories that weave together a cast of famous writers, painters, feted soldiers, lowly smugglers, respected men of science, disreputable society dames, and spooky spiritualists. Focusing on tales of the curse myth, Roger Luckhurst leads us through Victorian museums, international exhibitions, private collections, the battlefields of Egypt and Sudan, and the writings of figures like Arthur Conan Doyle, Rider Haggard and Algernon Blackwood. Written in an open and accessible style, this volume is the product of over ten years research in London's most curious archives. It explores how we became fascinated with Egypt and how this fascination was fuelled by myth, mystery, and rumour. Moreover, it provides a new and startling path through the cultural history of Victorian England and its colonial possessions.
Link: allegro.pl/-i6575551903.html
Dark Night A True Batman Story HC
Author: Eduardo Risso
Language: English
Publisher: DC
Publication Date: 30 Jun 2016
Dimensions: 17.5 x 1.3 x 26.4 cm
Pages: 128 stron
Cover: Twarda
Condition: NEW
ISBN: 9781401241438
The Caped Crusader has been the all-abiding icon of justice and authority for generations. But in this surprising original graphic novel, we see Batman in a new light -- as the savior who helps a discouraged man recover from a brutal attack that left him unable to face the world. In the 1990s, legendary writer Paul Dini had a flourishing career writing the hugely popular Batman: The Animated Series and Tiny Toon Adventures. Walking home one evening, he was jumped and viciously beaten within an inch of his life. His recovery process was arduous, hampered by the imagined antics of the villains he was writing for television including the Joker, Harley Quinn and the Penguin. But despite how bleak his circumstances were, or perhaps because of it, Dini also always imagined the Batman at his side, chivvying him along during his darkest moments. DARK NIGHT: A TRUE BATMAN STORY is the harrowing and eloquent autobiographical tale of Dini's courageous struggle to overcome a truly desperate situation. It is a Batman story like none other and one that will truly resonate with fans. Art by the incredible and talented Eduardo Risso (100 BULLETS, TRANSMETROPOLITAN).
Link: allegro.pl/-i6558415268.html
Zderzak przedni Ford Mondeo MK3 D0 DARK TRUE BLUE (10.2000 - 10.2003)
Nowe zderzaki polakierowane w kolor fabryczny, nie posiadają żadnych ukrytych wad, gotowe do montażu.
Nowy, polakierowany element z idealnnie dobranym kolorem wykonany zgodnie ze sztuką lakierniczą.
Link: allegro.pl/-i6323880786.html